Sometimes, if a design is very symmetrical, or just beyond your skill level, a transfer can be very helpful.
Jika desain ingin simetris, atau utk pemula yg belum begitu mahir menggambar henna, bisa menggunakan transfer paper.
Step 1
Get yourself a piece of transfer paper. You can go to a local tattoo shop and ask to purchase a few sheets, or go to your local office supply and get some old fashioned carbon paper. If you get it at the office supply, make sure it is PEN and PENCIL type, not the typing carbon. It should look like this.
Transfer paper, bisa di dapat di toko tato atau gunakan kertas carbon, bisa dibeli di toko peralatan kantor. Pilih kertas carbon yg digunakan untuk pen atau pensil, bukan yg digunakan utk mengetik. Lihat gambar.
Step 2
Choose a design and make a copy of it on regular copy paper, or print it out from your computer. Lay the design on the ink side of the transfer paper and begin tracing on top of the design until you have the entire design traced, like this:
Pilih desain yg ingin digambar, copy ke kertas biasa atau print langsung dari komputer. Letakkan deain pada sisi tinta dari kertas carbon/transfer paper, dan mulai menggambar ulang mengikuti desain, sampai semua desain tergambar. Lihat gambar.
Step 3
Once the design is completely traced, flip the paper over. It should look something like this:
Setelah seluruh desain tergambar, balik kertas. Hasilnya seperti gambar.
Use a deodorant stick on the area that you want to transfer the design to (no, this won't affect the henna's staining ability). Any glycerine based stick will do. Press the transfer ink side down on the area. You will have an outline of the design that looks like this:
Gunakan deodorant stick pada area yg ingin ditransferi gambar (tidak akan mempengaruhi ketahanan noda henna). Bisa gunakan merk apapun yg bahan dasarnya glycerin. Tekan kertas dengan tinta menghadap area yg akan di gambari henna. Hasilnya lihat gambar.
Then begin hennaing the design. Since the transfer is just outline, it is sometimes a good idea to keep the stencil close by to use as a reference, like this:
Kemudian bisa mulai menggambar henna sesuai desain yg telah ditransfer. Jika kurang jelas bisa tetap merujuk ke gambar aslinya. Lihat gambar.
Step 6
And in no time at all, VOILA! A complicated design can be a snap! The transfers can be used over and over again before they run out of ink.
Dalam waktu yg singkat, desain yg rumit bisa tercipta. Transfer bisa digunakan beberapa kali sampai tintanya habis.
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