How to tell if it's Natural Henna Powder?
Fresh henna powder smells like fresh cut hay or spinach and is an earthy green or khaki color. Bright green powder may have chemical dye added, this is often just a food coloring and can be safe. Sometimes the green dye is added to disguise an old crop of powder. If the powder is brown and has little or no scent, it may be stale and too old to yield a good color formehndi or henna body painting.
Henna powder is light and heat sensitive as it is an organic product with no preservatives added. Store henna powder sealed tightly and protected from light and air.
Bagaimana memilih bubuk henna alami ?
Bubuk henna alami mempunyai aroma seperti jerami yang baru dipotong, berwarna hijau atau khaki. Jika berwarna hijau terang, kemungkinan ada tambahan pewarna kimia yg biasa dipakai utk makanan dan tidak berbahaya. Kadang pewarna hijau ditambahkan utk menyamarkan bubuk yang sudah lama. Jika bubuk berwarna coklat dan hampir tidak beraroma, kemungkinan sudah kadaluarsa dan tidak bisa menghasilkan warna mehndi atau henna yang bagus.
Bubuk henna sensitif terhadap cahaya dan panas, karena merupakan produk organik tanpa pegawet tambahan. Simpan bubuk henna diwadah yg tertutup rapat , kedap udara, simpan di tempat gelap dan sejuk, hindarkan dari sinar
Part 1 - Step 1
Begin 24 hours before you plan to use the henna
Mulailah 24 jam sebelum berencana untuk menggunakan henna
1. Gather your Supplies/Yg diperlukan :
Fresh Henna Powder, 20 grams or 1/4 Cup
Bubuk henna alami
Bottled or Fresh Lemon Juice, strained
Air jeruk nipis yg sudah disaring
Small Plastic or Glass Bowl
Mangkuk kecil terbuat dari plastik/kaca
Measuring Spoons
Sendok ukur/ alat ukur lainnya
Essential Oils, 1.5 teaspoons
Minyak essential
Jenis minyak berikut bisa di gunakan : Cajeput, tea tree, revensara, atau lavender.
Plastic Sandwich Bag
Plastik utk menutup spt cling film
Applicator Bottle or Cone
Botol aplikator atau cone
This recipe is for 20 grams of fresh henna powder and will produce approximately 3 ounces of paste, enough for 75 small patterns, 3-4 cones.
Resep ini menggunakan 20 gram fresh henna powder dan akan menghasilkan kira2 3 ons paste, cukup utk membuat 75 pola kecil, 3-4 cone.
Part 1 - Step 2
2. Pour 20 grams of fresh henna powder into a small bowl
Masukkan 20 gram bubuk henna ke dalam mangkok kecil
Part 1 - Step 3
3. Add 1/4 cup of strained fresh or bottled lemon juice.
When using any dye a second ingredient is needed to create the chemical reaction to release the dye molecule. Henna requires an acid to bring out the dye molecule contained within its leaves. Lemon juice is the perfect companion as it is very acidic, readily available, and very safe.
We do not recommended water to mix your paste. Some recipes call for many ingredients such as coffee, tea, water, tamarind, dried limes, cloves, and spices. None of these extra ingredients will make much of a difference in the staining power of your paste. You'll get a fabulous stain with just lemon juice and a great henna powder and high quality essential oils.
Tambahkan 1/4 cup air jeruk nipis yang sudah disaring.
Air jeruk nipis dibutuhkan untuk membuat reaksi kimia yang akan melepaskan molekul pewarna. Henna membutuhkan cairan bersifat asam/acid untuk mengeluarkan warna yang terkandung di daun nya. Air jeruk nipis sangat tepat digunakan karena sifatnya sangat asam, mudah didapat dan sangat aman.
Tidak disarankan utk menggunakan air utk membuat paste. Beberapa resep lain mungkin menggunakan kopi, teh, air, asam, kapur kering, cengkeh dan rempah lain.
Tak satupun dari bahan tersebut akan membuat perbedaan bearti terhadap noda henna yang dihasilkan paste. Cukup dengan air jeruk nipis, bubuk henna dan essensial oil akan didapat noda henna yang bagus.
Part 1 - Step 4
4. Stir the henna and lemon juice until they are completely mixed together and no lumps of dry powder remain.
Aduk henna dan air jeruk nipis sampai tercampur rata dan tidak ada gumpalan bubuk kering yang tersisa.
Part 1 - Step 4 - 1
Part 1 - Step 4 - 2
Aduk terus
Part 1 - Step 4 - 3
The paste will be thick, similar to mashed potatoes.
Aduk sampai paste menjadi kental, seperti kentang yg dihaluskan.
Part 2 - Step 1
Part 2
Add Sugar and Essential Oil
1. add 1.5 teaspoons sugar.
Sugar helps the paste stick to the skin by drawing moisture into the paste and prevents cracking and drying out of the paste. It also makes a silky smooth and creamy paste.
Add the vial of Essential Oils ( 1.5 teaspoons)
Cajeput, tea tree, revensara, or lavender are all good choices. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The essential oils will help to produce the deepest and darkest stain possible.
Never use Clove, Mustard .
Tambahkan gula dan minyak essensial
1. Tambahkan 1.5 sendok teh gula.
Gula membantu paste menempel di kulit dan mencegah paste retak dan kering.
Juga membuat nya lembut dan creamy.
Tambahkan minyal essensial 1.5 sendok teh
Jenis minyak berikut bisa di gunakan : Cajeput, tea tree, revensara, atau lavender.
Aduk campuran hingga rata. Minyak essensial akan menolong menghasilkan noda henna yang lebih dalam dan lebih gelap.
Jenis minyak yg tidak boleh digunakan : Clove, Mustard.
Part 2 - Step 2
2. Stir. Iit will be lumpy and chunky at first.
Aduk, adonan akan menjadi kental dan agak padat.
Part 2 - Step 2 - 1
Keep stirring
Aduk terus
Part 2 - Step 2 - 2
It will smooth out and become silky
Aduk sampai adonan halus dan lembut
3. Cover the paste with plastic wrap. Press the plastic wrap against the surface of the paste expelling any air pockets.
Tutup adonan dengan plastik wrap/cling film. Tekan2 plastik kearah adonan utk menghilangkan kantung udara yg ada.
Part 2 - Step 4
4. Let the paste sit in a warm place, around 75 ° to 85° Fahrenheit, for 24 hours to allow the dye to be drawn out of the henna leaves so it will stain your skin deeply and as strong as possible.
Simpan paste ditempat hangat, sekitar 75 - 85 Fahrenheit, selama 24 jam, sehingga warna keluar dari daun henna dan akan menghasilkan noda henna yang baik.
Part 2 - Step 4 - 1
You are waiting for the dye to be released from the henna leaves. If you mix henna in a clear container it's easy to see the dye release. This is an easy way to insure your henna is fresh and has good dye content.
The dark band at the top shows where the dye has released.
Tunggu sampai warna keluar dari daun henna. Jika menggunakan mangkok yg transparant, bisa dilihat perubahan warna yg terjadi.
Bagian gelap di atas menunjukkan warna henna yg sudah keluar.
Part 2 - Step 5
5. After letting the henna mature for 24 hours it is ready to be used. Check and adjust your consistency if desired.
Setelah 24 jam, henna siap digunakan. Cek dan sesuaikan konsistensinya sesuai keinginan.
Part 2 - Step 5 - 1
Determining exact amounts of lemon juice required for henna paste is very difficult since the henna plants are grown in many different regions of the world. Depending on the location, weather, and time of year the leaves are harvested the recipe will need varying amounts of lemon juice. The paste should be smooth and creamy, similar to yogurt. If too much lemon juice is added the paste will be runny and your designs will bleed together. If the paste is too thick it will be difficult to squeeze the paste out of the applicator.
Add lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon at a time, mixing completely between each addition, until you reach the desired creamy consistency.
When your paste is the perfect consistency fill your applicators.
Menentukan ukuran air jeruk nipis yg tepat untuk campuran henna sangat sulit, karena tumbuhan henna tumbuh di daerah yg berbeda-beda. Tergantung lokasi, cuaca, dan kapan daun henna di petik. Ukuran air jeruk nipis yg digunakan bisa bervariasi utk resep henna yg sama. Tekstur henna paste harus halus dan creamy seperti yogurt. Jika terlalu banyak air jeruk nipis yg digunakan, paste bisa terlalu cair dan sulit utk membuat desain yg bagus. Jika paste terlalu kental akan sulit untuk memencet nya keluar dari aplicator.
Pertama tambahkan air jeruk nipis 1/4 sendok teh, aduk rata, kemudian tambahkan lagi 1/4 sendok teh, aduk lagi sampai di dapat konsistensi adonan yg diinginkan.
Setelah didapat paste dengan konsistensi yg di inginkan, isikan ke dalam aplicator (bisa botol atau cone)
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