How to Make Henna Powder From Leaves / Membuat Bubuk Henna Dari Daun Henna
Pick fresh henna leaves, and set them out flat to dry in the shade. Henna leaves should not be exposed to sunlight, or they will lose some of their potency. It may take several weeks for them to dry, and they should dry to a crisp, according to the Mendi Styles website.
ID--Pilih daun henna yg segar, keringkan di tempat yg teduh.
Jangan keringkan dibawah sinar matahari, karena akan menghilangkan hasil warnanya.
Dibutuhkan waktu beberapa minggu agar menjadi kering.
Grind the powder as fine as you can get it, using a mortar and pestle. Be sure to pick out any leaves or stems.
ID--Tumbuk daun henna kering menjadi bubuk sehalus mungkin,
buang tulang-tulang daunnya.
Strain the resulting powder through a fine sieve or a muslin cloth. Try to get the powder as fine as you can.
ID--Saring utk menghasilkan bubuk henna yg lebih halus dgn menggunakan penyaring atau kain halus.
Use the henna powder right away, or store it in a sealed plastic bag. Exposure to heat and light can cause it to lose potency.
ID--Bubuk henna bisa langsung digunakan, atau simpan di plastik bag tertutup rapat. Simpan ditempat yg jauh dr sinar dan panas.
Sumber :
Dried henna leaves
Pestle and mortar
Sifter , you can make from nylon stocking and place like this
~*~ More than just henna ~*~
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Henna adalah nama tumbuhan tertua yg digunakan sebagai kosmetik.
Mehndi adalah seni menghias tubuh dengan Henna.